
From pandemics to mental health, our stories look at all facets of health and wellbeing in modern life.

COVID Has Changed Us
COVID Has Changed Us

COVID Has Changed Us

The COVID pandemic has made people rethink many aspects of their lives, new research has found. Many are now more aware of their personal impact on society, with a positive shift in the ways they contribute to their communities. But it has also increased negativity...

Key Battle Won Against Malaria
Key Battle Won Against Malaria

Key Battle Won Against Malaria

The World Health Organization has certified China as malaria-free. Given that the country was reporting 30 million cases per year of the disease in the 1940s, it’s a major milestone in the worldwide campaign to eradicate the killer disease completely.How has China...

I’m Rubbish At…Looking Away
I’m Rubbish At…Looking Away

I’m Rubbish At…Looking Away

Apparently, according to The CEO Magazine “Screen Addiction Is The Latest Pandemic Coming For You!”. Seems a little flippant to compare to COVID in my opinion. But nonetheless today I’ll be taking a fun little look at NOT LOOKING AWAY.I’m sitting at my laptop, back...

Wales Extends Smoking Ban
Wales Extends Smoking Ban

Wales Extends Smoking Ban

Wales has extended the prohibition on smoking at hospitals, schools, and playgrounds, with violators to face a £100 fine. Wales is the first of the UK nations to introduce this ban.This is in addition to various restrictions on the practice, including a ban on...